domingo, 28 de abril de 2013

Palabras que en dos o más idiomas se escriben igual o casi igual.
Cognados verdaderos son los que sí significan lo mismo.
Cognados falsos son los que no significan lo mismo.
Una estrategia de lectura cuando no se tiene la oportunidad de saber el significado de todas las palabras escritas en un texto es "adivinar"  el significado de lo desconocido, con base al contexto.
Forman su pretérito y p.p. agregándoles ed.
La escritura de su pretérito y p.p. está definida (se deben aprender de memoria tantos como sea posible), algunos no cambian de escritura:
Pasado participio
Otros, se escriben de tres maneras diferentes:
Pasado participio

Otros tienen dos formas de escritura:

Pasado participio
Llegar a ser, convertirse
Sé que es mucha información la que he presentado pero entre más información tengan están mejor preparados porque en un examen de comprensión de lectura, como ya lo mencioné antes, no nos van a preguntar de acuerdo a un nivel de Inglés específico, sino que se maneja como si fuera el idioma del alumno.

Es preciso que hagan los ejercicios como se los estoy indicando para que ustedes vean los resultados.
  1. Lean el texto completo, sin detenerse fingiendo que están comprendiendo, es decir, no se detengan a investigar las palabras que no conocen, una vez concluida la lectura, escriban lo que hayan entendido, no importa que haya sido una sola palabra.
  2. Repiten el ejercicio otras 5 veces, cada vez van a anotar lo que hayan descubierto ( NO REPITAN ALGO YA MENCIONADO).
  3. Busquen solamente las palabras que les hayan impedido entender el texto.
Si les queda tiempo y quieren incrementar su vocabulario, traduzcan el texto, es un tanto aburrido pero ¿de que otra manera van a incrementar su léxico en Inglés?.
Si saben de otra técnica para aprender palabras en Inglés, utilícenla, entre más  vocabulario conozcan, mayor posibilidad de comprensión tendrán.
Born on July 30, 1863 on a Dearborn, Michigan farm, Henry Ford created the Ford Model T car in 1908 and went on to develop the assembly line mode of production, which revolutionized the industry. As a result, Ford sold millions of cars and became a world-famous company head. The company lost its market dominance but had a lasting impact on other technological development and U.S. infrastructure.
Automobile manufacturer Henry Ford was born on July 30, 1863, on his family’s farm near Dearborn, Michigan. When Henry was 15, his father gifted him a pocket watch, which the young boy promptly took apart and reassembled. Friends and neighbors were impressed and requested that he fix their timepieces too.
Unsatistfied with farm work, Ford left home the next year, at age 16, to take an apprenticeship as a machinist in Detroit. In the years that followed, he would learn to skillfully operate and service steam engines, and would also study bookkeeping.
In 1888, Ford married Clara Ala Bryant and briefly returned to farming to support his wife and son, Edsel. But three years later, he was hired as an engineer for the Edison Illuminating Company. In 1883, his natural talents earned him a promotion to Chief Engineer.
All the while, Ford developed his plans for a horseless carriage, and in 1896, he constructed his first model, the Ford Quadricycle. Within the same year, he attended a meeting with Edison executives and found himself presenting his automobile plans to Thomas Edison. The lighting genius encouraged Ford to build a second and better model.
After a few trials building cars and companies, in 1903, Henry Ford established the Ford Motor Company. Ford introduced the Model T in October of 1908, and for several years, the company posted 100 percent gains.
However, more than for his profits, Ford became renowned for his revolutionary vision: the manufacture of an inexpensive automobile made by skilled workers who earn steady wages.
In 1914, he sponsored the development of the moving assembly line technique of mass production. Simultaneously, he introduced the $5-per-day wage ($110 in 2011) as a method of keeping the best workers loyal to his company. Simple to drive and cheap to repair, half of all cars in America in 1918 were Model T’s.
From a social perspective, Henry Ford’s was marked by seemingly contradictory viewpoints. In business, Ford offered profit sharing to select employees who stayed with the company for six months and, most important, who conducted their lives in a respectable manner.
The company’s “Social Department” looked into an employee’s drinking, gambling and otherwise uncouth activities to determine eligibility for participation. Ford was also an ardent pacifist and opposed World War I, even funding a peace ship to Europe. Later, in 1936, Ford and his family established the Ford Foundation to provide ongoing grants for research, education and development. But despite these philanthropic leanings, Ford was also a committed anti-Semite, going as far as to support a weekly newspaper, The Dearborn Independent, which furthered such views.
Henry Ford died of a cerebral hemorrhage on April 7, 1947, at the age of 83, near his Dearborn estate, Fair Lane. Ford, considered one of America's leading businessmen, is credited today for helping to build America's economy during the nation's vulnerable early years. His legacy will live on for decades to come.

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